CodeIgniter 支援功能
Features in and of themselves are a very poor way to judge an application since they tell you nothing about the user experience,or how intuitively or intelligently it is designed. Features don't reveal anything about the quality of the code,or the performance,or the attention to detail,or security practices. The only way to really judge an app is to try it and get to know the code. Installing CodeIgniter is child's play so we encourage you to do just that. In the mean time here's a list of CodeIgniter's main features.
- 基本 模型(Model)-檢視(View)-控制器(Controller) 系統
- 超輕量級
- Full Featured database classes with support for several platforms.
- Active Record 資料庫支援
- 表單與資料驗證類別
- 安全性與XSS過濾攻擊
- Session 管理
- 電子郵件(E-mail)類別。支援附加檔案,存文字檔(text)或者是網頁檔(html)傳送,支援多重協定 (sendmail,SMTP,and Mail) 等更多。
- Image Manipulation Library (cropping,resizing,rotating,etc.). Supports GD,ImageMagick,and NetPBM
- 檔案上傳類別
- FTP 類別
- Localization
- 資料分頁類別
- 資料加密
- Benchmarking
- 網頁快取
- 錯誤紀錄
- Application Profiling
- 日曆(Calendaring)類別
- User Agent 類別
- Zip 編碼類別
- 樣板引擎類別
- Trackback Class
- XML-RPC Library
- Unit Testing Class
- Search-engine Friendly URLs
- Flexible URI Routing
- Support for Hooks,Class Extensions
- 大量的補助函數